How to Identify the right birth location & provider for YOUR NEEDS.

Many people find themselves choosing a doctor or midwife to receive prenatal care from for a lot of reasons:
- Close to work location, so easy to get to appointments.
- Found them on my insurance website.
- They were my gynecologist before I got pregnant.
- My family/friend/co-worker used them.
- They came up at the top of a Google search.
Once the doctor or midwife is selected, the birth location is all but decided. Or it works the other way around, you choose a facility near you and find a provider who works there. These may not be the wrong reasons to make a choice, but there are more things to be considered.
Take the quiz!
This online quiz is adapted from a tool developed by Janelle Durham and Parent Trust for WA Children.
The information and resources on this page can help you to identify what might be the right choices for you and your family. You can take this short quiz to see where you line up. It is interesting to have the other parent (if partnered) do it separately, to see if you both have the same thoughts. Below the quiz are questions to ask a provider. You will also find a downloadable version to take to interviews/meet & greets or appointments!
If you would like to chat about anything related to your pregnancy, birth or postpartum, I would be happy to offer you a 15 minute info session to help you get clarity or head in the right direction for you.

Questions to ask your potential or current provider:
Here is a very comprehensive list of questions that originate from best practice and evidence based information on labor and birth.
You can use it to help you make decisions about who might be the right doctor or midwife for you.
Download it now so you can keep it handy and use it at any provider interviews/meet and greets or prenatal appointments with your current doctor or midwife. The download includes space for you to take notes.
This was adapted from a consumer brochure from Choices in Childbirth.