Congratulations on a new little human making their way into your life.
This time of transition can be filled with many emotions - joy, excitement, anxiousness, apprehension, confusion, connection, worry, peace, and more. I understand and respect each person's individual journey to welcoming a child and firmly believe that having the support of a doula during the childbearing year helps every individual to have their voice heard, be listened to, receive acknowledgment and information as they go through the process.Simply put, I help you to have a positive experience.

You are the super hero at your birth.
My role as your doula is to support you and your partner and/or support person and make the experience positive and meaningful for both of you, helping your birth team to be the best they can be in supporting you during your labor and birth. I work for you and you alone and walk with you every step of the way, doing everything I can to set you up for the experience you want. And I stay with you if things need to change, with continuous, unwavering, nonjudgmental support.
(Childbirth education class family, after their birth.)

Your Seattle Doula Team
After 16 years as a solo practice doula, I began working in a doula partnership with my friend and colleague Alice Turner since July, 2019. As DONA Certified birth doulas, together we have over 1000 births and more than 40 years of experience supporting families at their births.
We attend every interview, prenatal and postpartum visit together, are on call together, join in every text, every email, zoom meeting or call together and support each other and our client family when one of us is at a birth. Should a birth run extremely long, we seamlessly make the transition of changing places so you always have a fresh and ready-to-go doula who can carry the team at those marathon births.
We work together as a team so well that a recent client said to us after they birthed, "Even though only Alice was here, we felt Sharon's presence and it felt like she was with all of us every step of the way."
As a doula trainer and longtime professional in the community I can also make customized referrals if we are not available or not a fit for your family.


The fee for our services is $4000
We collect a $2000 retainer in order to be placed on our doula calendar and $2000 is payable at the first prenatal.
We can collect payment by credit card, FSA/HSA debit cards, Zelle, Venmo, check or cash. We are also approved Carrot providers. Receipts happily and promptly provided for insurance, Carrot or HSA/FSA spending accounts reimbursement.
You will receive a copy of our birth doula contract when you book your meet and greet, and we are happy to answer any questions about it during our time together.
Please contact me to inquire about our availability to provide birth doula services for your due date. We take a very limited number of clients each year, and our calendar does fill, so do reach out if you want an amazing dynamite extremely experienced duo of doulas for support during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum period.
If you are a BIPOC pregnant person and would like a referral to a doula who shares your race/ethnicity/culture with you, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know and I will make some referrals that meet your needs.