"Your class helped us understand ECV and "Spinning Babies" techniques and how to advocate for what you want. I referred to the material a lot when I discovered she was breech. "
Tiffanie Lewis, Birth & Baby YOUR Way
"A PHENOMENAL VBAC class. You created a safe space to share our stories, experiences and learn so much. I left your class feeling educated, validated and really capable of my upcoming birth. "
Stephanie Alzate, VBAC YOUR Way
"I had been absolutely terrified of labor beforehand, but after taking this class and using the coping mechanisms we learned, I was able to labor in a way that made me feel so proud and empowered and satisfied with my birthing experience!"
Ashley Lakowski

"We had a planned c section because our baby girl was frank breech. If it weren’t for your class I wouldn’t have known how to make my cesarean a special experience. Everything went smoothly and I got to feed her within the golden hour! "
Tiffanie Lewis, Birth & Baby YOUR Way
"The best 4 hours we spent preparing for labor and birth. Sharon crams tons of evidence-based information into this class, plus a mini-labor simulation to practice positions and breathing techniques, and an overall message that there are infinite ways to give birth, so we can all be ourselves and find what works for us."
Elise Fogel, MSN, CNM, ARNP, Labor YOUR Way